Frank G. Geerdink, known as FG, a Dutch national, 63 years of age, has been successful as an entrepreneur from early age onwards. The red ribbon of his entrepreneurial life is to see problems in certain industries and envisioning the solution by combining technologies, systems and methods from other industries and trades and, by bringing these factors together, produce the viable solution and thus creating new businesses. Over the last 20 years the offshore decom was a logical move to look into for finding solutions on how to handle these large structures and gradually the dismantling of ships came as a natural step, as the specially developed tools to dismantle offshore rigs offered a great solution on how to dismantle ships. As it turned out, ships could be dismantled at a much higher frequency and speed and with the integration of many adjacent techniques. The development of the dedicated CMT yard shows its potential and offers a great business opportunity as it delivers a truly circular process system. All waste retrieved from ships is processed at the CMT yard and the technologies developed guarantee people and the environment are 100% safe at all times.